The La Tania Ski Blog

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ESCAPADE 2023 – Doug, Brendan & Henry utilising the Zip Wire from the 4th Valley!

Escapade – Saturday 18 February 2023

Team: Doug (46); Brendan (47); Henry (16). 

Background: Doug (your narrator) and Henry have been coming to the 3Vs every year (bar Covid) since 2018 at the UK half term. From the off, I became obsessed with skiing as much of the 3Vs as possible before I even knew about the Escapade. In 2020, we attempted an official Escapade, but I stupidly stacked it on the bumps run shortcut from Loze Est to the Biollay chair after some 20km of downhill, tore my calf, and skied home in shame on one leg. Brendan joined the team in 2022, but terrible conditions (total whiteout on Geai and elsewhere) put us more than an hour behind schedule by the time we got to Val Thorens. Brendan never forgave me (I was by now was easily the weakest skier in the team), and vowed that 2023 would be our year. Conditions looked good (barring the lack of base that would have made the Vallon de Lou off piste shortcut more viable), so we planned it for Saturday, a changeover day on half term week, which from our experience meant the pistes and lifts would be relatively quiet. Wind conditions even made La Tyrolienne zip line a viable possibility. 

Equipment: Me on my trusty Black Crow Captis, a 90mm floppy “resort” ski that is superb in slush. Brendan on Elan Amphibio 14s, a narrow-waisted 78mm all mountain ski. Henry on Black Crows Vertis Birdie, an 85mm women’s ski (he weighs <50kg). One backpack containing 8 cans of Red Bull, 2 bottles of water, 24 chocolate granola bars, 2 pains au chocolate, 1 croissant, 2 packets of haribo, and 8 fun size Kit Kat bars.  One Courchevel Village ESF etoile d’or bib, sized for a 9-year old. Henry planned to use it to sneak through the ski school queues. 

Expected complications: The FIS World Championship was ongoing, which meant we needed to avoid closed pistes. This turned out to be no big deal, although we did ski the top part of Roc de Fer which still had the paint for the professionals. 

Several of the lifts were running s l o w l y. Probably as an energy conservation measure, but lots of the lift duration times below are nearly 2x the advertised times. Finally, La Tyrolienne is shut for an indeterminant time at 1245, which turned out to be around the time we got there.      

Lift timings and commentary:

We set out from our chalet in Morel at 0827 and waited around for first chair. I think the liftie took pity on us and started the Morel chair spinning early.

TS MOREL 08h45 (dur c. 6:00) 

We decided we’d prefer our last run to begin from on high, so we ticked off Méribel Village first. Not quite early enough to get first chair on Golf, but we were probably 4th chair.

TS GOLF 08h54 (dur 8:15)

Turning right off the chair, we hit the Rope Tow and skittered down to Chaudanne. There were maybe five chairs’ worth of people in front of us. 

TS LEGENDS 09h09 (dur 6:16)

Moving well, we skied down to Olympic Chair, ignoring a lot of signs we didn’t really read until we were on the chair.

TS OLYMPIC 09h19 (dur 6:04)

Oh yes, those signs would have told us that Verdet was closed. We argued for precious minutes about whether we should duck the rope. Verdet was one of our nemeses in 2022: rock hard frozen-over chop that was barely skiable in the prevailing whiteout conditions. Sanity prevails and we skied back down Roc de Fer to Cherferie.

TS CHERFERIE 09h31 (dur 4:42)

Afterburners on for Jerusalem/Biollay to St Martin. Henry and Brendan tapped their watches as I hockey stopped, panting, at the bottom. 

TC ST MARTIN 1/TS ST MARTIN 2 09h43 (dur 18:58)

Finally some terrain that challenges Henry. KM after KM of flat cat track. It was the first and last time I finished a run ahead of Henry. We skied down to Le Bettex, in parts a fun sheepish ski, but it had so many flocons and snowploughers. Le Bettex has some smart-looking new built chalets. 

TS BETTEX 10h16 (dur 3:55)

Skied down to PdlM basestation through the always lovely centre of Les M. There was a long queue at the basestation, c. 15m. Henry, using his ESF bib, went through the ski school line. At the bubble he was accosted by another ESF instructor who asked where Henry’s instructor was. Henry said “up ahead” and dove into a bubble before the instructor could follow him. Brendan and I waited in the civilian queue. 

TC POINTE DE LA MASSE 10h27 (dur 20:49)

In the bubble, Henry stripped off the bib, switched goggles for shades, and at the top, ran for the toilets and hid. Brendan and I found him and we had a fantastic ski down Fred Covili

TS REBERTY 11h00 (dur 3:55)

TC BRUYERES 1/2 11h05 (dur 16:15)

We realised that we didn’t really know Val T all that well and after several false starts and traverses across pistes, we eventually found Corniche. Warning to others: Val T is confusing for those who are normally based in Courchevel/La Tania, a recce is recommended. 

FUNITEL PECLET 11h36 (dur 11:45)

Our run of good snow ended, and we ski back down into Val Thorens on a steep and icy (with sugary moguls) Christine


Portette stopped for an alarming amount of time, twice. But eventually it got moving again and we were rewarded with the delightful Lory on the ski down into Plan Bouchet. 

TC ORELLE CARON 12h24 (dur 11:39)

Against my objections, we took the bubble up to Cime Caron as Henry thought it was critical to tick off the summit first if it turned out that the Zip Line scheme was viable. Alas there is only only one way back down to Plan Bouchet, Combe Rosaël. I lost the ability to deal with the large but soft moguls and traversed almost the entire face (skiing is primarily a mental sport), but we eventually made it down. 

TS PEYRON 12h52 (dur 4:54)

TS BOUCHET 12h59 (dur 9:00)

We waited for access to the La Tyrolienne zip line and it took about 30m of faff while the guys finished their lunch and got the kit back up from the other side. It was pretty scary and expensive (€56 pp), I won’t do it again—I never even approached 60kph as I was a little underweight for the grade of sliding mechanism I was given, which meant I spent a lot of time dangling 1000m above the ground—but it added some spice to our attempt. On landing and working out the shakes we skied back down into Val Thoren.

TS PIONNIERS 13h55 (dur 5:04)

TS 3 VALLÉES 14h00 (dur 5:38)

At this point, we were getting a little worried and rued the initial error with Verdet, my terrible bumps technique on Combe Rosaël and the time taken to deal with the Zip Line. I asked Brendan whether I was really *that* slow? Brendan didn’t answer. But we were at least an hour ahead of our attempt in 2022, so pressed on, skiing down to Mt Vallon. 

TC MONT VALLON 14h14 (dur 12:24)

We then skied down to Mottaret, following the dreadful Ours having concluded that popping up Plan de Mains wouldn’t save enough time. Henry built up enough speed on Combe Vallon to take Ours without polling. 

TC PAS DU LAC 1/2 14h43 (dur 15:30)

The lift took twice as long as it should, bloody energy crisis. So it was time to speed up, we skied down Creux and on our way to Moriond. 

TS CHANROSSA 15h04 (dur 7:17)

Afterburners on again. Skied all the way into Moriond 1650 with Henry catching serious air. 

TC ARIONDAZ 15h21 (dur 11:51)

Quick, needed to close out Moriond! Blast down Bel Air

TS CHAPELETS 15h36 (dur 7:36)

Back to Courchevel proper, an hour left, we could taste victory. Brendan warned us not to get complacent just because we were back on “home” territory. 

TS AIGUILLE DU FRUIT 15h48 (dur 6:27)

And then it started to go pear shaped. I was on a different chair to Brendan and Henry (there was a queue and I hate not filling chairs), we hadn’t really discussed the route to Courchevel Village, and frankly everyone was getting nervous. Unfortunately, Brendan and Henry are considerably quicker than me and tore off (they had planned the route, but didn’t realise that I was a bit sketchy about this bit). Pretty lost, I headed vaguely in the direction I knew we were supposed to go, but ended up at Grangettes rather than Tovets. I took the bubble, figuring it still counted. Passive agressive WhatsApp messages ensued: “no you guys go ahead, I’ll call an audible on whether to ditch <sniff> La Tania”. Subsequent timings are mine.  

TC GRANGETTES 16h07 (dur 7:03)

It was time for me to dash to La Praz to catch up.

TS FORÊT 16h19 (dur 8:03)

With little more than half an hour before Dou des Lanches closed, I started feeling better. I raced down Folyéres, but was still at least a stubborn 5 minutes behind.

TC LA TANIA 16h32 (dur 10:42) 

The La Tania bubble stopped several times. In the WhatsApp chat, the breakaway group agreed to wait for me at Dou des Lanches, but I was not entirely convinced they would as they sent me minute by minute countdowns to last lift. But they waited in the end and I finally arrived at 1643. No apologies they said, because they knew I would have wanted the team to finish even if it meant I was left behind in the wrong valley. 

TS DOU DES LANCHES 16h44 (dur 5:52) 

But the last joke was on Brendan. He dropped his phone as he got on the chair. We got to the top of Loze in triumph but had to wait for the liftie to send up his phone. Phone retrieved, we saw that Boulevard de la loze was shut, so it was Pic Blue and the rope tow back to the Ronnie, arriving bang on at 1715.  


ESCAPADE 2023 – What’s this all about…

The 3 Valleys Escapade was the lift company promotion of visiting (originally in 2006) 14 points across the Three Valleys and gaining a certificate & badge over the period of your holiday – doing it in a day was a bit tricky though!

It all started out as a late night “is it possible?” discussion – the history and our original route from 2006 are here

Originally punch cards had to be stamped at each check point until electronic passes arrived and then the use of a lift was recorded – now we use Apps such as Ski Tracks or Relive to prove our route.

Note that the Escapade is no longer officially promoted by Les 3 Vallees from Winter 2017 but we still record successful tracks for anyone who is interested in being in the sought after La Tania Escapade Hall of Fame

The original Escapade took 30 lifts, around 13000m vertical with 70km length and by 2016 reached 34 lifts, 17000m vertical (twice the height of Everest) and around 100km.

This is NOT a race

ALWAYS CONTROL YOUR SPEED. You do this entirely at your own risk, act responsibly, take full ownership for your own actions and all of those with you, respect other people (& the mountain), ski & ride within your limits, always obey the skiers & snowboarders code, observe all signs, pay attention to all notices, advice & instructions from Pisteurs, only ski off piste if fully equipped & knowledgeable, it’s not a race (you won’t be insured), think about the safety of others as well as yourself but above all, think of other people, take care, don’t wreck things for others & don’t even think of blaming anyone else if it all goes wrong…..

ESCAPADE 2023 – The 12 villages and 12 perimeters/peaks used as checkpoints

Changes through the years
2006 – First year and cards with hole punches stationed at lifties huts are used.
2008 – Electronic lift analysis is now used – no use hiking out the 4th Valley now!
2010 – The piste map did not include the top of the 4th Valley and the Col lift in Val Thorens.
2011 – The X-Wing Discovery was launched but only had 10 check points and doesn’t count!
2012 – Peclet included and Biollay / Vizelle used for Saulire access.
2015 – Foret used instead of La Tania gondola.
2016 – Mont Vallon is included for the first time plus the Montaulever drag lift.
2017 – Chapelets replaced by Petite Boss drag and La Tania’s Bouc Blanc chair replaces Tovets.
2018 – The new Roc de Tougne chair replaces the drag lift of the same name.
2019 – Legends replaces Roc de Fer and the Montaulever drag in Les Menuires has been removed.
2020 – Cime Caron now back in use.
2022 – New Pointe de la Masse and Orelle-Caron Gondolas (for example) could be used.
2023 – Using the new lifts, we ski all the resorts, all the perimeters and classic peaks – ESCAPADE 2023

ESCAPADE 2023 – A suggested route. Click on the images for the full size pics

ESCAPADE 2023: Congratulations to Josh and Charlie

First proven completion of the ESCAPADE 2023 we’ve seen. La Tania apartment owner Josh and his son Charlie aged 14 completed the new 2023 route on 19 February 2023. Welcome to the La Tania Escapade Hall of Fame

Their route below (and below that more about the ESCAPADE 2023).

La Tania – Bubble
Dou Des Lanches – Chair
⛷️ Pic Bleu (Blue)
⛷️ Blanchot (Green)
⛷️ Lapin (Blue)
Golf – Chair
⛷️ Forêt (Green)
⛷️ Doron (Blue)
Legends – Chair
⛷️ Caves (Green)
⛷️ Gélinottes (Blue)
Olympic – Chair
⛷️ Roc de fer (Blue)
Cherferie – Chair
⛷️Jerusalem (Blue)
⛷️ Biolley (Blue)
St Martin 1 – Bubble
St Martin 2 – Chair
⛷️ Gross Tougne (Blue)
⛷️ La Violette (Green)
⛷️ Bettex (Blue)
Bettex – Chair
⛷️ La Violette (Green)
Pointe De la Masse – Bubble
⛷️ Bouquetin (Blue)
⛷️ Vallons (Blue)
⛷️ Les Enverses (Blue)
Ruberty – Chair
Bruyers 1 & 2 – Bubble
⛷️ Pluviomètre (Blue)
VT13 Funitel Peclet – Bubble
⛷️ Tete Ronde (Blue)
⛷️ Christine (Red)
VT23 Portette – Chair
VT24 Thornes – Bubble
⛷️ Lory (Blue)
OR4 Peyron – Chair
OR5 Bouchet – Chair
⛷️ Bouchet (Red)
⛷️ Peyron (Blue)
Orelle Caron – Bubble
⛷️ Chime (Red)
⛷️ Fond (Blue)
⛷️ Combe de Thorens (Green)
Pionniers – Chair
3 Vallées VT5 – Chair
⛷️ Lac de Chambre (Blue)
Mont Vallon – Bubble
⛷️ Combe du Vallon (Red)
⛷️ Ours (Blue)
Pas du Lac 1 & 2 – Bubble
⛷️ Creux (Blue)
Chanrossa – Chair
⛷️ Roc Merlet (Red)
⛷️ Pyramides (Blue)
⛷️ Lac Ariondaz (Blue)
⛷️ Bel Air (Red)
Chaplets – Chair
⛷️ Ariondaz (Blue)
⛷️ Marquis (Blue)
Ariondaz – Bubble
⛷️ Petites Bosses (Green)
Aiguille Du Fruit – Chair
⛷️ Altiport (Blue)
⛷️ Bellecote (Green)
⛷️ Tovets (Blue)
Tovets – Chair
⛷️ Amoureux (Red)
Foret – Chair
⛷️ Folyeres (Blue)

ESCAPADE 2023 – What’s this all about…

The 3 Valleys Escapade was the lift company promotion of visiting (originally in 2006) 14 points across the Three Valleys and gaining a certificate & badge over the period of your holiday – doing it in a day was a bit tricky though!

It all started out as a late night “is it possible?” discussion – the history and our original route from 2006 are here

Originally punch cards had to be stamped at each check point until electronic passes arrived and then the use of a lift was recorded – now we use Apps such as Ski Tracks or Relive to prove our route.

Note that the Escapade is no longer officially promoted by Les 3 Vallees from Winter 2017 but we still record successful tracks for anyone who is interested in being in the sought after La Tania Escapade Hall of Fame

The original Escapade took 30 lifts, around 13000m vertical with 70km length and by 2016 reached 34 lifts, 17000m vertical (twice the height of Everest) and around 100km.

This is NOT a race

ALWAYS CONTROL YOUR SPEED. You do this entirely at your own risk, act responsibly, take full ownership for your own actions and all of those with you, respect other people (& the mountain), ski & ride within your limits, always obey the skiers & snowboarders code, observe all signs, pay attention to all notices, advice & instructions from Pisteurs, only ski off piste if fully equipped & knowledgeable, it’s not a race (you won’t be insured), think about the safety of others as well as yourself but above all, think of other people, take care, don’t wreck things for others & don’t even think of blaming anyone else if it all goes wrong…..

ESCAPADE 2023 – The 12 villages and 12 perimeters/peaks used as checkpoints

Changes through the years
2006 – First year and cards with hole punches stationed at lifties huts are used.
2008 – Electronic lift analysis is now used – no use hiking out the 4th Valley now!
2010 – The piste map did not include the top of the 4th Valley and the Col lift in Val Thorens.
2011 – The X-Wing Discovery was launched but only had 10 check points and doesn’t count!
2012 – Peclet included and Biollay / Vizelle used for Saulire access.
2015 – Foret used instead of La Tania gondola.
2016 – Mont Vallon is included for the first time plus the Montaulever drag lift.
2017 – Chapelets replaced by Petite Boss drag and La Tania’s Bouc Blanc chair replaces Tovets.
2018 – The new Roc de Tougne chair replaces the drag lift of the same name.
2019 – Legends replaces Roc de Fer and the Montaulever drag in Les Menuires has been removed.
2020 – Cime Caron now back in use.
2022 – New Pointe de la Masse and Orelle-Caron Gondolas (for example) could be used.
2023 – Using the new lifts, we ski all the resorts, all the perimeters and classic peaks – ESCAPADE 2023

ESCAPADE 2023 – A suggested route. Click on the images for the full size pics

3 Valleys Escapade – Congratulations to Jon, Adam and Seb

Catching up on some Escapaders – if you don’t know what this is, see below.

For 2023 we’re checking out a new challenge with 12 villages and 12 peaks/perimeters to tick off – probably 30 lifts in a day required (tough in these energy saving slower lift days). More here on the new ESCAPADE 2023

From Jon, Seb & Adam

“Hi team La Tania (Toffa),

We’ve been out today and wonder if we’ve  made it ?

We used the 2020 route, as the most recent we could find, with a couple of alterations that were required. 

Roc de Tougne was shut due to strikes so we went to Tougnete 2 instead (big queue!).

Aside from that we did Vizelle instead of Saulire and Col (as you know) is closed, so we put in an extra run at the end (Plan Fontaine) then took La Tania bubble again for a beer in Bouc Blanc to celebrate!

Oh, we started (and are staying in) La Tania and kept the clock running to include our extra runs and beers!


Jon, Seb (Jon’s son  & Adam (our mate).

PS for what it’s worth, you gave me an honourable failure in 2020 Jonathan on 29th Jan from Morel

PPS. And would you believe that we were sharing our chalet with a couple who did it the real way several years back, and they even had the badge with them!

What’s this all about?

The 3 Valleys Escapade was the lift company promotion of visiting (originally in 2006) 14 points across the Three Valleys and gaining a certificate & badge over the period of your holiday – then we had the idea of doing it in a day…

It’s probably the toughest day skiing ever for a recreational skier but lots of people have got involved over the years so we feature them in our Escapade in a Day Hall of Fame

This is no longer being promoted by The 3 Valleys but we’ll still stick you in the Hall of Fame if you complete it – send a Ski Tracks or similar trace in plus a pic of your group.

What started out as a late night “is it possible?” discussion became a challenge the following week – the history and our original route are here

Originally punch cards had to be stamped at each check point until electronic passes arrived – they could then be checked by the lift company. The original Escapade was 30 lifts, 13000m vertical and 70km and 2016 peaked with 34 lifts, 17000m vertical (twice the height of Everest) and around 100km total distance. It became a little less for 2017 and 2018 saw the use of the Roc de Tougne fast new chair instead of the drag plus we lost the Montaulever drag altogether. In 2019 we gained the new faster Legends chair out of Méribel and then an improvement in speed on the Mont Vallon lift too. 

It’s certainly getting easier with the improvement in lift infrastructure and we should make it harder for 2023 – there’s now the new Pointe de La Masse and Orelle-Caron Gondolas too! However, it’s still a big, big day out with every run top to bottom and all the planning, chatting, moaning (and lunch) kept for the time on the lifts…

The 2020 PDF route with the 19 “Escapade Lifts” in bold

REMEMBER: You do this entirely at your own risk, act responsibly, take full ownership for your own actions and all of those with you, respect other people (& the mountain), ski & ride within your limits, always obey the skiers & snowboarders code, observe all signs, pay attention to all notices, advice & instructions from Pisteurs, only ski off piste if fully equipped & knowledgeable, it’s not a race (and you won’t be insured), think about the safety of others as well as yourself but above all, take care, don’t wreck things for others & don’t even think of blaming anyone else if it all goes horribly wrong…..

2023 Alpine Skiing World Cup Info – limited impact on recreational skiing

The FIS Alpine Skiing 2023 World Championships are being held in Courchevel La Tania / Le Praz and Méribel from the 6th to 19th February 2023.

Although (unbelievably!) this is right in the middle of the main half term holidays the ski area management company and the organisers are keen to point out the limited effect on recreational skiing during the event – in fact with 15% of all accommodation being taken up by competitors, support staff, organisers, sponsors, media etc there will be more room on the slopes!

In Courchevel where the men’s events are held on the new L’Eclipse piste there is access through a new tunnel from the Forêt Chairlift and Les Arolles piste to allow access to Folyères, Plan Fontaine & Moretta Blanche down to La Tania.

S3V state that only L’Eclipse and Granges pistes in Courchevel will be closed. Granges over in 1650 is reserved for ski testing and working out the best wax apparently!

However, it’s hard to see how Lanches and Bouc Blanc will remain open during the Downhill and for preparation work (other events are further down L’Eclipse) and also the Murettes piste down to Le Praz.

Last winter during the World Cup events the top of the old Jockeys was resurrected – turned out to be not very pleasant and Arolles was obviously heavily skied with being the main route back to La Tania.

The areas closed amount to less than 1% of the 3 Valleys ski area and with amazing skiing to view (L’Eclipe downhill is something else!) and with lots of entertainment and other events on it will be a great time to visit.

Winter Olympics usually cause regular visitors to stay away from the resorts involved and organisers do not want this to happen for this 2023 event which is by far the biggest skiing event outside of the Olympics.

Unfortunately there are no Skier-cross, Half Pipe, Big Air or Freeride events (and no snowboards) which are becoming more and more popular than traditional ski racing and have more appeal to the next generation of Winter sports enthusiasts.

Meanwhile in Méribel the Roc de Fer, Choucas and Eterlou pistes will close but these are at the edge of the ski area so have little impact and again a new tunnel is in place to allow access under the race piste.

Be aware that Saturday & Sunday 11/12 Feb see the ladies and men’s downhills so traffic will be even worse than a usual half term transfer weekend! There are loads of additional traffic management, car parking and shuttle buses being put in place but please plan ahead…..

Tickets: Are on sale now from

For example – Prices for the Men’s downhill from €30 at the finish, €60 in the grandstands, €708 on the terrace with lunch and an open bar or €180,000 plus VAT for a private box seating 25 for the whole 2 weeks!

Nick, Lorna and Cormac nail the Escapade in a Day

Despite some queues they were back for 4pm!

 I wanted to get in touch to let you know that my team completed the 3 Valleys escapade last week and would love to be added to the Hall of Fame on the website.

Nick Spearing, Lorna Simmonds and Cormac Shine completed the escapade on Tuesday 8 March, a very sunny day on the mountain that led to the perfect conditions for blasting around the mountain.

Despite some queues at La Masse and Cime Caron, the team went through the gates at La Forêt at 3:57pm… after a victory beer at Bouc Blanc restaurant, we went back up for a couple of laps of the Dou des lanches chairlift and black run.

What’s this all about?

The 3 Valleys Escapade was the lift company promotion of visiting (originally in 2006) 14 points across the Three Valleys and gaining a certificate & badge over the period of your holiday – then we had the idea of doing it in a day…

It’s probably the toughest day skiing ever for a recreational skier but lots of people have got involved over the years so we feature them in our Escapade in a Day Hall of Fame

This is no longer being promoted by The 3 Valleys but we’ll still stick you in the Hall of Fame if you complete it – send a Ski Tracks or similar trace in plus a pic of your group.

What started out as a late night “is it possible?” discussion became a challenge the following week – the history and our original route are here

Originally punch cards had to be stamped at each check point until electronic passes arrived – they could then be checked by the lift company. The original Escapade was 30 lifts, 13000m vertical and 70km and 2016 peaked with 34 lifts, 17000m vertical (twice the height of Everest) and around 100km total distance. It became a little less for 2017 and 2018 saw the use of the Roc de Tougne fast new chair instead of the drag plus we lost the Montaulever drag altogether. In 2019 we gained the new faster Legends chair out of Méribel and then an improvement in speed on the Mont Vallon lift too. 

It’s certainly getting easier with the improvement in lift infrastructure and we should make it harder for 2023 – there’s now the new Pointe de La Masse and Orelle-Caron Gondolas too! However, it’s still a big, big day out with every run top to bottom and all the planning, chatting, moaning (and lunch) kept for the time on the lifts…

The 2020 PDF route with the 19 “Escapade Lifts” in bold

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REMEMBER: You do this entirely at your own risk, act responsibly, take full ownership for your own actions and all of those with you, respect other people (& the mountain), ski & ride within your limits, always obey the skiers & snowboarders code, observe all signs, pay attention to all notices, advice & instructions from Pisteurs, only ski off piste if fully equipped & knowledgeable, it’s not a race (and you won’t be insured), think about the safety of others as well as yourself but above all, take care, don’t wreck things for others & don’t even think of blaming anyone else if it all goes horribly wrong…..

What’s New in La Tania & The 3 Valleys 2022 – The Definitive Guide (Part 3 of 3)

Val Thorens / Orelle / Les Menuires / St Martin

The 20th edition of What’s New in La Tana & The 3 Valleys – The Definitive Guide

Part 1: La Tania / Courchevel

Part 2: Méribel / Mottaret

Part 3: Val Thorens / Orelle / Les Menuires / St Martin

2022 Lift Pass Prices (new under 30 and flexible season passes, but no workers or residents discounts)

2022 Piste Maps (still waiting for some individual valley maps)

2022 Lift Opening Dates

Accommodation, Self-Catering / Apartments, Special Offers, Travel, Transfers, Flying

Part 3: Val Thorens / Orelle / Les Menuires / St Martin

New Last Season (but new for most people this season)

With most people not skiing last season all the developments from last year will be new to most. In Val Thorens that included the Deux Lacs Reservoir (a new 10 seater gondola will replace the chairlift next Winter), the naming of the new parallel zip wire “La BEE“, a new outdoor ice rink, the ice racing / kart racing circuit became 100% electric and VT embraced new technology with the use of drones. In Orelle work started on the too new gondolas and in Les Menuire the new La Masse gondola work started (more below).

All Last Season’s What’s New Here

Deux Lacs Reservoir

New for Winter 2022

Lifts & Pistes

Pointe de le Masse Gondola

The Pointe de la Masse top to bottom gondola on the 2022 Les Menuires Piste Map
The base station this Summer

Opening in December the 3km long Pointe de la Masse 10 seater gondola takes you direct from base to summit of La Masse in 8 minutes. The Masse 2 Gondola,  Lac Noir and Rocher Noir chairlifts were removed this summer but all the pistes they served are still accessible.

View of the Pointe de la Masse pylon run next to the Reberty lift

The Masse 1 gondola remains for beginners to access the blue runs here and the drag remains to access the black piste “Dame Blanche“. There were some plans ages ago for a lift and piste in this area to connect with Plan de L’eau but all has gone silent on this.

The old cabins leaving Les Menuires
New Pointe de la Masse top station
Photo courtesy of Ski Fan
Old Masse 2 Top Station
Photo courtesy of Ski Fan

Orelle and Orelle – Caron Gondolas

The new gondolas on the 2022 Three Valleys Piste Map – they’re longer than they look, see below

Over in the “4th Valley” are 2 new gondolas.

The new links were made possible thanks to the support and investment by the Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and will allow visitors to arrive in the resort via the Maurienne Valley and come up to Val Thorens via the Cime Caron peak and its 360 degree views of the Alps.

The new lifts will be accessible to both skiers or pedestrians who wish to access Val Thorens without using the slopes or roads. Pedestrians can then take the Cime Caron cable car to descend to the centre of Val Thorens which means they can keep their feet dry and luggage is allowed too. The whole trip takes less than 45 minutes.

The new gondolas on the 2022 Orelle Piste Map

From the base station up to the Plan Bouchet area, the brand new 10 seater gondola, Orelle, one of the longest gondolas in Europe nearly 5km in length with a 1462m vertical climb in 13 minutes opens on 4 December 2021. The 7 metres per second is almost as fast as it gets currently for gondola technology.

Plan Bouchet with the top Orelle station and bottom Orelle – Caron station plus the 2 chairlifts
Photo courtesy of Ski Fan

From Plan Bouchet to the Cime Caron summit there is another 10 seater gondola, Orelle-Caron, covering the 2235m length and 820m vertical in just 7 minutes. From the Cime Caron summit at 3200m there are wonderful runs down to Val Thorens at 2300m (and a great black down to Plan Bouchet too!).

Orelle – Caron Top Station
Photo courtesy of Ski Fan

Cycle Track – Tougnete to Les Menuires

The new tarmacked cycled track from Tougnete to Les Menuires
Photo courtesy of Ski Fan

The 3 Valleys cycle track continues to be constructed. With a route from near the Altiport in Courchevel 1850 over Col de Loze to the Rond Point in Méribel completed a couple of Summers ago (and already featured in the Tour de France), the section from Tougnete summit down to Les Menuires has been completed. Next Summer will see the section up from Méribel completed. It will be some challenge to ride the whole track when it’s complete!

View of the cycle track from Tougnete
Photo courtesy of Ski Fan

Val Thorens Sports Centre

New Sports Centre under construction in Val Thorens
Photo courtesy of Ski Fan

The brand new Val Thorens Sports Centre opens in December 2022 consisting of a sports and leisure complex, an aquatic and wellness area, a conference centre plus smaller seminar rooms, a rooftop entertainment centre and terraces with panoramic views.

Aerial view of the new Sports Centre
Photo courtesy of Ski Fan

Friendly Natural Park

The ‘Friendly Natural Park” has been created on La Masse, near Les Menuires in partnership with the Vanoise National Park. There are animal-themed activities plus a parallel slalom, a frog tunnel and hazards to avoid on the piste. On the sunny terrace you can discover all sorts of fascinating facts on the protected wildlife living in France’s first national park.

Ski Touring Area Expanded

The Borgne area will host a new secure and marked area, dedicated to ski touring. Located in an area untouched by all lifts, at the start of the Plein Sud area the area will consist of a groomed path for the ascent and two secure downhill runs, one of which is ungroomed. Avalanche awareness and training in search and rescue in the use of transceivers and probes will also take place in this area.

The touring area will be accessible via the Pionniers and Plein Sud chairlifts

Other Stuff…

Next to Chalets du Thorens an 80m² themed igloo has been created to accommodate between 15 and 20 people in two areas for groups to meet. A new outdoor Escape Game and Laser Quest game are launched this Winter too.

A new 4 star Hotel Marielle opens this Winter and one of the original 5 star hotel The Fitz Roy has had a refurb, now with 2 restaurants and a new area that opens directly on to the slopes.

Another older hotel Le Val Thorens has also been completely refurbed and now has a new indoor and outdoor bar. Also, the Hotel Le Pashmina has a new self-heating glass covered terrace using a new nanotechnology glass systems.

The Vallée des Belleville has been awarded a Flocon Verte for their commitment to sustainable mountain tourism.

Call and collect services will be available this Winter at the Hameaux des Eaux in Orelle and the Chalet Chinal Donat at Plan Bouchet. Both of these premises will stock Orelle Caron Brewery organic beers including:

  • Or’Ale: A 100% Savoyard Blonde beer.
  • Kirovska: A slightly lemony white beer that bears the name of a small Russian village on the edge of the Arctic Circle.
  • Wanaka: An Amber beer in the colors of the South Island of New Zealand.

Winter 2022/2023 will see a new 10 seater gondola from Doppelmayr replacing the Deux Lacs chairlift.

The Covid Travel Blog is always up to date with the latest travel restrictions & regulations – not a lot at the moment, let’s hope it stays that way.

The What’s On Dairy will be fully up to date by mid-November and we should have some gig schedules too.

As always, thanks for all the contributions and photos including from Freeride RepublicSnow Retreat, Tim Wall, Snowbound Transfers, Charlie Gorman, Pub Le Ski LodgeMH2Ski, Jason Baker, S3V, Nick & Joey, Le Jardin, Harriet Graham and Ski Fan

Part 1: La Tania / Courchevel

Part 2: Méribel / Mottaret

Part 3: Val Thorens / Orelle / Les Menuires / St Martin

What’s New in La Tania & The 3 Valleys 2022 – The Definitive Guide (Part 1 of 3)

La Tania / Courchevel

The 20th edition of What’s New in La Tana & The 3 Valleys – The Definitive Guide

Part 1: La Tania / Courchevel

Part 2: Méribel / Mottaret

Part 3: Val Thorens / Orelle / Les Menuires / St Martin

2022 Lift Pass Prices (new under 30 and flexible season passes, but no workers or residents discounts)

2022 Piste Maps (still waiting for some individual valley maps)

2022 Lift Opening Dates

Accommodation, Self-Catering / Apartments, Special Offers, Travel, Transfers, Flying

Part 1: La Tania / Courchevel

New Last Season (but new for most people this season)

With most people not skiing last season all the developments from last year will be new to most. In La Tania and Courchevel that means all the new World Cup Piste L’Eclipse developments around Jockeys down to Le Praz including the new snow cannon reservoir at the top of Col de Loze and the massive work on the new Stade and Racing HQ / Club House in Courchevel 1850.

All Last Season’s What’s New Here

“New” L’Eclipse Piste

Blog Post – First Time Skiing L’Eclipse with Martin Hemsley

Also last year the magic carpet beginners lifts were move in Le Praz and at the top of the La Tania gondola where a new bridge and tunnel were created to allow skiers access across the race piste when competitions / training sessions are taking place.

New protected areas for Black Grouse, The Freeride area enhanced where Creux Noirs chair used to be, modifications around Suisses chair base station, new stairs and plants in La Tania plus the extension work at the Chrome Bar (now Bistro Machet). Also in La Tania the Ski Lodge now boasts a new outside bar, there was a new roof on Les Charmes apartments and The Tourist Office was closed (but news on that for this season below).

Elsewhere the Drop Inn in Le Praz became Le Jardin – but the same great crew in charge and it won’t be long until La Tania descends for another Beaujolais Nouveau night in November! More building work took place at the Le Praz Ski Jump and is still continuing plus Les Peupliers had another annexe built by the Lake (and the hotel may have been sold now too).

Over in Courchevel 1650 Moriond a new relaxation and picnic area was created with giant deckchairs on a plateau with great views.

New for Winter 2022

Lifts & Pistes

This Winter the major work in the Courchevel Valley has taken place in La Tania with a whole new beginners area and the re-shaping and moving of the Folyeres piste as it comes in to the resort to divert it around the first time skiers allowing them to learn the sport in a protected, safe environment.

The original La Tania Snow Front plans

Work started in July 2021 (not May, much to the annoyance of many!) and the main earth works, snow cannons, drainage and electricity cabling have all been completed by October with the new magic carpet / travelator covered lifts being installed in November for the 11 December opening.

The work starts…
October pics of the beginners area formerly known as Troika
Artist impression of the 2 new covered carpet lifts in La Tania
As the work started in July 2021

The 2023 World Cup being held in Courchevel and Méribel has seen lots of work in preparation not least the snow canon reservoir and piping system involved to cover the new L’Eclipse competition piste.

Snow Cannon reservoir at Col de Loze

L’Eclipse also has a lot of permanent netting structure – who knows what speed downhill skiers could hit as they approach the first steep drop in to the old Jockeys piste so netting is essential with all those trees about…

The Col de Loze sign for the Courchevel Valley at the top of Dou des Lanches chair on Col de Loze is now a lot more subtle!

The beginners magic carpet at the top of the La Tania gondola has been moved to the right of the station (as you look at it in the pic below) – they moved the Giraffe too!

The tunnel allowing skier to cross L’Eclipe at the entrance to the La Tania Gondola

The top of the Moretta Blanche red piste from the Bouc Blanc has been re-profiled slightly providing easier access to the green piste (note the Stade piste has swapped sides too).

Down the new Eclipse piste there are 3 very smart huts – not sure if they’re to with race timing / monitoring or are connected to the snow cannons and are pumping stations. The Cold de Loze reservoir is used to store water from other reservoirs as well – water can be pumped up from the reservoir near the bottom of Biollay for example.

The snow cannons have already been tested – this pic from September 2021

The photo below shows the incredible amount of work that has now been completed on the Courchevel Stade including re-shaping of the piste, snow cannons, flood lighting, the new Race HQ, clubhouse, viewing area and underground car parking.

It’s been confirmed that the Saulire cable car will be out of action this Winter after an accident when performing an annual stress safety test (that’s why they do it – to prevent issues when in use, safety is always paramount).

There are still another 3 fast lifts to get up Saulire and across to Méribel (Vizelle Gondola, Suisses and Marmottes chairlifts), although the highest point to access Grand Couloir and the Panoramic Restaurant – if it opens – is a bit of a hike up but of course you can access via the Saulire Express 2 Gondola from the Méribel side).

Plenty more work is going on across the ski area with additional drainage, anti-corrosion work, new signage, snow cannon maintenance etc. Some improvement to Mountain Biking Tracks in the Courchevel Valley this Summer too…

More Building Work…

In Le Praz further work at the Ski Jump is taking place with a very posh new reception building going up.

Courchevel Moriond 1650 still had serious construction / refurbishment work going on right along the main road…

Bar and Restaurant News

In La Tania the Ski Lodge will finally open its outside bar for a real Winter season in December – drinks and snacks without leaving the terrace! Tim, Deb, Harriet, Connor, Luke and the gang will be welcoming you back from the start of December…

We hear La Taiga has some internal alterations being completed and a nice round table option upstairs now. Luke’s done a great job – more soon..

Also new to many will be Bistro Machet (from Michelin Star chef Julien Machet of Le Farçon) – again this time open for a proper Winter season. We loved the Broccoli pizza this Summer!

Le Jardin (formerly The Drop Inn) in Le Praz is already a year old – but will be a new spot (with familier faces) for many.

More construction work in Courchevel 1850 with a new terrace on La Cantine (will always be the Kalico to many!).

Other Stuff…

Some fancy new street lights have been installed in La Tania

The waste disposal points behind the Hotel Montana have been closed due to the retaining wall becoming unstable – temporary bins have been put in place but hopefully sorted for Winter.

A new temporary road to the chalet area next to the La Tania Gondola station has been put in place as work has finally started on the Village Moretta Project. We’re not sure if this is for use this Winter (it goes over the red piste) or not.

More on the Moretta Village development that is being built on the car park near the La Tania gondola in our Latest on New Developments in La Tania Blog Post

Artist impression of the new snow front at the La Tania Gondola Car Park (at least 2 years away)

The road is being cleared over at Krab’s old place on the road to Méribel Village – must be some further development work going on here.

The Bus Stops in Le Praz appeared to have moved along the road near the entrance to the Alpinium and so nearer to the Le Praz lifts (which makes sense) but a detour for buses that don’t go via La Tania (unless they all are now?).

The La Tania Tourist Office will return this Winter – albeit on a much smaller scale. Some public toilets and a commercial unit are also planned in the current premises but at least there is a presence and focal point for visitors in La Tania this season.

A new photo frame / selfie spot with expanded relaxation area (giant deck chairs) has been installed the top of the Signal lift in Courchevel 1650 – expect some upgrades to the Mountain Art installations around The 3 Valleys too.

Bring Your Sisters gigs – nothing confirmed yet, but surely they’ll be out for at least a holiday and a few shows this Winter? Won’t they?

Bring Your Sisters – We caught up with them this Summer and we can confirm – they’ve still got it!

We’ll add to this page as things firm up for Winter, more people arrive and we see what else is new.

No news on the proposed alternative green run down to La Tania and the Creux Noirs drag lift appears to be a broken promise – expansion of the Freeride facilities and Transceiver training (after the hike across) are being made in this area as safe off piste skiing is promoted.

Hotel Pomme (formerly Pomme de Pin) above 1850 which was taken over by the Maison Tournier group before the pandemic needs a bit of work – there was no sign of life there this Summer, the place looking derelict.

A new bar area around La Croisette area in 1850 is being created as the Mairie desperately tries to inject some life (and Aprés Ski) in to the centre of Courchevel between the 5 star palaces – The Maison Tournier group are probably a favourite to get this, they run the 5 star hotels Saint Roch & Saint Joseph as well as the Cap Horn, La Casserole, San Marco, L’Èquipe, La Cantine and L’Aventure (get the picture?) .

New re-charge points for mobile phones will be available across Courchevel and Mottaret – you will leave your phone in a locker with a charging point while you do a few runs .

There are private minibus Transfers staffing issues for those arriving at Geneva and a consolidation of minibus fleets is going to happen compared to previous years so book early! This is due to new discriminatory employment regulations being introduced by the Canton of Geneva – good news for Lyon, Grenoble and Chambéry Airports though!

The price of hire cars from Geneva Airport (especially on the Swiss side) seems to have shot up for this Winter – not sure if this is purely due to the increased demand, but checking a few dates they seem twice the price of Lyon for example.

There’s been a few changes in the chalet industry too – some new chalets, new self-catering options and new locations for some too. Check out all the options on the La Tania Accommodation Page.

New Chalets from Ski First Tracks, Freeride Republic and Chalet La Tania plus new self-catering options at Ski Dazzle & Alpine Escape (who now offer a self-catering/catered best of both worlds option for maximum flexibility and convenience) are now listed in our Self-Catering / Apartments Availability Page.

As for Travel, we’ll complete our updates of our Fly/Drive/Train/Coach/Transfers guides very soon including full details of the new Winter Tyre (or Snow Chains!) laws, UK country stickers (instead of GB ones) and the different options for flying and travelling by train from the UK this Winter.

The next lifts rumoured to be upgraded are the Chenus & La Tania gondolas (lus the re-vamped Croisette building probably means that Jardin Alpin and Verdons are due refurbs too). The planned lift from Bozel is supposed to be going ahead but no dates of when work on this may start are available yet.

Les 3 Valleys has a shiny new website for this Winter (but it still had the old 2021 piste map on a the time of launch!).

The Covid Travel Blog is always up to date with the latest travel restrictions & regulations – not a lot at the moment, let’s hope it stays that way.

The What’s On Dairy will be fully up to date by mid-November and we should have some gig schedules too.

As always, thanks for all the contributions and photos including from Freeride Republic, Snow Retreat, Tim Wall, Snowbound Transfers, Charlie Gorman, Pub Le Ski Lodge, MH2Ski, Jason Baker, Nick & Joey, Le Jardin & Harriet Graham.

Part 1: La Tania / Courchevel

Part 2: Méribel / Mottaret

Part 3: Val Thorens / Orelle / Les Menuires / St Martin

What to look forward to on the Ski Area for Winter 2022…

As this strangest of Winters draws to a close it’s time to turn our attention to Winter 2022. With many holiday bookings rolling over from this Winter plus the pent up demand of skiers & snowboarders across the globe for once you really do have to book up early to get the holiday you want.

Christmas, New Year and Half Term options are already limited and many other dates are booking up fast. Check Accommodation, Special Offers and Private Apartment Availability here. Our Transfers, Flights, Driving and other Travel Pages are being updated as things start to become clearer for next Winter.

New Pistes & Lifts This Year – will be new for most people in 2022!

In our annual What’s New Guide that comes out around the end of September we detail all the changes across the 3 Valleys from new lifts, pistes, buildings, bars to road improvements and new cash machines, even new flower beds! For now here’s a preview of the ski area developments we’ve to look forward to…

The What’s New for 2021 included near La Tania the new L’Eclipse World Cup 2023 downhill piste (using the top section of the Bouc Blanc and widening Jockeys considerably), new shaping of pistes and a tunnel for recreational skier to use plus the relocation of the beginners area near the top La Tania gondola station. Loads of new snow cannons plus a huge new reservoir at the top of Cold de la Loze to feed them was built too.

L’Eclipse World Cup Piste

Over in Courchevel 1850 the Stade area was reshaped and a huge new Club des Sports and race HQ was built.

Above Mottaret, the new Bouquetin chairlift replaced the old Plattières bubbles (which were sold off in 3 minutes in April) with a bottom to top time of only 2 minutes 20 seconds giving direct access to Les Menuires / St Martin.

New tunnels to allow skiers access around the Méribel World Cup Pistes (for the Women’s events) were completed too.

Roc de Fer World Cup Piste

Val Thorens opened a new snow cannon reservoir near Les Deux Lacs chair – this chair lift itself is due to be replaced and upgraded to a new 10 seater gondola.

Winter 2022 – Really New Stuff…

La Tania sees a complete overhaul of the beginners Troika area with 2 new travelator (magic carpet) lifts replacing the current drag lift, a re-profiling & re-shaping of the slope, more new snow cannons and a full separation of the Folyeres Pistes and the beginners area making it an excellent spot for first time skiers.

Work begins this Summer but the Swimming Pool will be retained and work completed higher up the piste during July and August. Note that the lifts will be free and open to all with a reserved ESF training to skiers right (red arrows on the diagram below).

The new beginners area and snow front in La Tania
Artists impressions of the new lifts in the centre of La Tania

Over in Les Menuires, La Masse will have a brand new top to bottom gondola opening in December 2022. The current configuration is of two gondolas with a ski in between them, so it will be much quicker to get to the top and have a photo with the Ibex (or ski the off piste route down to the the Plan de L’eau chair). It is expected that the Masse 2 Gondola and the two old chair lifts will be removed although timescales are not clear.

Route of new La Masse Gondola

Meanwhile in Orelle in the 4th Valley the replacement gondola from the base station and the new gondola up to the Cime Caron summit are also set to open this December. This will give an alternative exit out of the 4th Valley as an alternative to the Rosael Chairlift which can be a bottleneck after lunch on sunny days.

Path of the two new gondolas in Orelle

Finally we were sent this link to a consultation project on public transport links across La Vanoise linking up all the resorts via much more regular bus links and gondola transportation systems. Note the “Tovets Gondola” link from Bozel to 1850 via St Bon & 1550 plus a bus service link from La Tania to Méribel too – remember when we had that!

While the Bozel lift story has gone on for well over 20 years it does seem to be picking up some momentum again although in reality the pandemic must surely have an impact on the financing of this project for at least a couple of more years.

No further news on the possible link from Grandes Combes / Aqua Motion to 1650, the upgrade of the La Tania Gondola and/or Lanches chair, the promised replacement of Creux Noirs chair, a new lift around Plan de L’eau towards La Masse, timescales for the new Rhodos Gondola in Méribel or details on the new La Tania green run through the Forest to the skiers left of Folyères.

As always there’s a huge amount of maintenance, drainage improvements, anti-erosion work, new snow cannons, signage, fencing, safety measures and protection of the environment that goes on every Summer – no doubt we’ll have some pics on our Mountain Biking and Hiking adventures this Summer – Don’t forget about Summer in La Tania where the Summer lifts are open 7 days a week for the first time!

But more importantly if you are planning on skiing or snowboarding next Winter – Book Now!

Opening Dates for Winter 2021 / 2022 – La Tania expected by 11 Dec (could be earlier)

Fantastic April Skiing for those hiking up and the new World Cup L’Eclipse Piste skied

Private Ski Instructor Martin Hemsley based in Méribel has been ski touring around some of our favourite pistes and sharing his efforts in his blog at:

Last week he made his way up to Col de la Loze and skied fresh untouched powder on Dou des Lanches just above La Tania…

The top section of Dou des Lanches – Ski Instructor quality tracks!
The Bouc Blanc restaurant and La Tania Gondola top station in view on the right

At the end of March, Martin was one of the first to ski the new World Cup Piste named L’Eclipse after it was prepared for inspection by the various racing committees. Next Winter will see international events prior to the Alpine World Cup Finals in February 2023 with the Men’s Downhill, Super G, GS and Slalom events held on L’Eclipse. The women’s events are held on the Roc de Fer piste in Méribel.

Set to be one of the most challenging, fastest and steepest race pistes in the World with no respite for racers in any “gliding” areas – this will be full on, flat out lunacy… A detailed view by Martin of the new piste made up of the top section of the Bouc Blanc (with an S shaped curve) and the old, black Jockeys piste (regraded, widened and straightened) is available in his blog here

The starting area before the 3.2km length / 944m vertical piste.
The finish area in site next to the Le Praz lake on to the roof of the new Alpinium Building.
L’Eclipse on the 2021 Piste Map

One of Méribel’s most respected Private Ski Instructors. Martin enjoys sharing his passion for the sport and mountains. Instruction is delivered whilst being patient, safe and considerate. Martin always respects the needs and requirements of his clients. More at:

What’s New in La Tania & The 3 Valleys 2021 – The Definitive Guide (Part 3 of 3)


Part 1: La Tania / Courchevel
Part 2: Méribel / Mottaret

Part 3: Val Thorens / Orelle / Les Menuire / St Martin

Val Thorens 27 Oct 2020 – the snow cannon reservoir from Les Deux Lacs Webcam
There are plans to replace Les Deux Lacs chair with a 10 seater gondola next year

Val Thorens

The only significant changes we could spot on the 2021 Piste Map around Val Thorens and Orelle was the naming of the new 1800m double zip line on the map. La BEE will be open every day from 10:00 until 16:15 for €35 a go (the Tyrolienne wire at a height of 3000m between Orelle & Val Thorens costs €55).

La BEE now names on the 2021 Piste Map

Val Thorens will have its first Outdoor Ice Rink in the resort for Winter 2021.

Le Patinoire Val Thorens situated on Place du Péclet near the top of the resort promises over 400m² of natural ice open all season from 15:00 to 21:00 subject to weather conditions (longer opening in School Holidays).

There’s a small chalet serving hot chocolate & pancakes to keep you warm and prices start at €8 for adults plus skate rental with season passes available for €80.

The famous Ice Racing Circuit is to become 100% electric for Winter 2021. There’ll be four Andros Electric Vehicles available for instructed ice driving lessons plus corporate events. It really is a great experience – we had a go a few years back on the race prepared Renault 5 and Mitsubishi rally car…

In addition there’s the ice karting track with a proper racing school providing lessons between 10:00 and 12:30 every Saturday on their 270cc karts fitted with studded tyres. It costs €50 for a 20 minute race with your mates.

As always Val Thorens is embracing new technology and can now use drones with thermal imaging to assist in search and rescue operations. The DJI kit has been available for a while now at a fraction of previous airborne thermal searches and is also fitted with a powerful zoom camera. DJI also produce leading handheld gimbal video cameras & phone camera mounts as well as a GoPro killer Action Cam. We often use them on our Video Snow Reports.

The drone can also help monitor snow conditions across the ski area and is equipped with a speaker system in order to provide information remotely to skiers in event of an emergency situation.

The Mountain Restaurant Le Caribou located next to the Asters / Genepi pistes has had some Finnish type chalets called Kota constructed on their large terrace creating cosy private dining areas.

After a successful first winter, the Igloo Village will be back with the stylish Ice Bar hosting fondue evenings plus there’s two comfortable ice bedrooms too for overnight stays!

L’Académie des Neiges is now part of a new four star hotel. The Hotel Marielle is named after ski champion Marielle Goitschel a legendary international skier and one of the resort’s pioneers.

The Snow Academy building has been completely renovated and extended and the hotel will boast two sunny terraces, a Nuxe wellness area and gourmet food.


The new 2 stage gondola lift from the Orelle base station to the Cime Caron summit is on track for next Winter opening in December 2021.

The line of the second stage of the gondola

The 2 new gondolas will have 10 seater cabins and a capacity of 2,500 skier per hour – massively improving the access to Val Thorens for Orelle based clients. Improvements to the base station and car park area are also being made.

Orelle base station – the new gondola will run from a new building at the existing location
Photo courtesy of Ski Fan

The mid-station at Plan Bouchet will have a change of cabin (indoors) to continue up to Cime Caron Summit.

Plan Bouchet – The new gondola construction, restaurant plus Rosael & Peyron Chairlifts
Photo courtesy of Ski Fan
Work on the Cime Caron Summit
Photo courtesy of Ski Fan

Orelle is promoting a 20% off a day pass in Les 3 Vallées every Saturday
by starting in Orelle! The resort is easily accessed by motorway from nearby towns such as Chambéry, Grenoble & Annecy (even Italy!) and offers free parking too. Previously in La Tania / Courchevel there were discounts for Saturday 3 Valleys Passes making it cheaper to buy a 3V than a Courchevel Pass – we expect this to continue, may be online only though.

There are 150 new ski lockers installed at the base station for Winter 2021 with rental starting from €5 a day.

The new Snake Gliss run is a new dedicated sledge run with sledges tied together and a guide navigating them down the mountain plus there’s new jumps, waves and a tunnel on the fun slope from the Peyron lift and the Croix d’Antides piste.

Les Menuire / St Martin

We’re still waiting for the 2021 piste map but have had confirmation that the new La Masse bottom to top gondola Pointe de la Masse is on track for December 2021 opening.

We also understand that the La Masse 1 gondola will stay in place with Masse 2 being removed along with the old Rocher Noir & Lac Noir chairlifts.

The new Pointe de la Masse base station
Photo courtesy of Ski Fan

There were rumours of the removal or replacement of the old Tortollet & Rocher Noir chairs this season but both will be operating this Winter.

Base Station Work
Photo courtesy of Ski Fan
Work on the top station
Photo courtesy of Ski Fan

And more new stuff…
Les Menuire is heavily promoting its sustainability, ecology and environmental awareness as well as Yoga events and other Wellness types of initiatives. The Tourist Office is having a renovation using green and sustainable building products as the old 1963 Belledonne Apartment Block it’s situated in is gradually improved.

Les Menuires are also looking at vegetable fuel oil to power their piste bashers which are now all equipped with a new SNOWsat system that measures the depth of the snow on the pistes, so snow production can be altered accordingly and thus optimise the consumption of water resources.

Solar Panels are being installed at the start and departure point of some of the ski lifts, they’re prioritising recycling and encouraging healthy eating too! Sunday to Sunday travel is being promoted to lessen the impact of the traditional Saturday transfer day in another sensible initiative.

Roc Seven – Perched at the summit near the Roc 1 gondola is the newest creation of the owners of the Farenheit Seven hotels in Courchevel and Val Thorens. It is a high altitude sophisticated Italian restaurant in a fun setting with a snack chalet dedicated to waffles and paninis. The terrace with a view of the summits, has a beer and cocktail bar that comes to life after 14:00 when the DJ kicks off.

ROC Seven

Chalet Lodge Pure Valley is a new top-of-the-range accommodation at
the foot of the Bettex piste in the Preyerand neighbourhood with five 122 to 222 m2 duplex apartments which can accommodate from 8 to 16 people.

Peuf Daddy’s ‘Panier’ Raclette (Raclette in a Basket) is situated in a former Reberty chalet since last winter, this high altitude restaurant, with its sun terrace, combines Savoyard specialities and bistro-style dishes made from fresh, local produce.

This Winter for just 50€ more on your lift pass, you can enjoy lots of extra activities with a PREMIUM pass! As well as exploring The 3 Valleys ski area with your 6 or 7 day pass, you can also speed down Val Thorens’ Cosmojet and les Menuires’ Speed Mountain toboggan runs, and afterwards recharge your batteries at your Belleville resort’s sports centre.

Meanwhile down in St Martin de Belleville 3-Michelin star duo René and Maxime Meilleur who have restaurant La Bouitte have been awarded the
Bib Gourmand in the 2020 Michelin Guide for their 2nd restaurant.

The Bib Gourmand chooses restaurants where good quality cuisine goes hand in hand with good value for money. Ideally located in the Caseblanche sector of St Martin de Belleville, it’s a wonderful
complement to La Bouitte where you can enjoy deliberately simple, tasty, delicious and above all good food.

Elsewhere around St Martin there seems to be more and more accommodation going up – nearly all at the top end and some fabulous looking places.

The former 3-star Alp’Hotel has been revamped to become the 4-star Hotel Lodji
Hotel Lodji
Chalet Québec
Chalet Les Mémoires de Marcel – a refurbished village house in Saint Marcel

Covid Secure for Winter 2021
Ski Resorts in France during Winter 2021 will be following the procedures in this poster produced by France Montagnes – The French Ski Resorts Association.

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Click on the image for the full size poster

Many thanks to Ski Fan for the photographs used – check his photo site and video site for lots more images across the 3 Valleys.

Part 1: La Tania / Courchevel

Part 2: Méribel / Mottaret

Part 3: Val Thorens / Orelle / Les Menuire / St Martin