The La Tania Ski Blog

Latest news, snow, pics, gossip and information from the locals in La Tania –

All the latest news from around the Three Valleys from the La Tania locals. A real blog since 2006, not just endless re-posts for search engine optimisaton! Photos, gossip, snow reports, what's on and all the latest on the Apres Ski scene... Now fully optimised for iPhone, Touch and Android Mobiles - just go to and view on your phone. Our other past blogs & favourites here



Red Nose Day – Fri 13 March at Hotel Telemark

Big night of fundraising with Honey Fungus & Mikey Gray open mic night and lots of doing things funny for money from 10pm…

**Snow Update**

And it's still snowing…

*** La Tania Locals – Snow Report Update ***

As good as it gets…
Out with Jamie and Jemma this morning – fantastic. First down M in half a metre of the lightest powder ever, we were choking in the stuff – The best, lightest powder we can remember…

Still snowing

And more expected to come down tonight, sun at the weekend hopefully

It’s snowing…


Phil, John and Nick enjoy the La Tania trees – Powder Rules Apply

Fantastic morning of powder and back via the La Tania trees.
Phil shows us how to do it on a board.

Fresh Snow Today!

La Tania looking good this morning!


*** La Tania Locals – Snow Report Update ***

15cm on my balcony….
Just had first tracks down Jean Blanc this morning and now heading up to M. Perhaps 50cm forecast for tonight…

Space Night @ The Ski Lodge

Winter Returning?

After the Spring like temperatures of last weekend it looks like
Winter will return from this evening (Wednesday 4 March 2009) with new
snow down to below resort level and a significant amount of snow
forecast for Thursday and possibly in to Friday – an unsettled outlook
for the weekend and in to next week too…