The La Tania Ski Blog

Latest news, snow, pics, gossip and information from the locals in La Tania –

All the latest news from around the Three Valleys from the La Tania locals. A real blog since 2006, not just endless re-posts for search engine optimisaton! Photos, gossip, snow reports, what's on and all the latest on the Apres Ski scene... Now fully optimised for iPhone, Touch and Android Mobiles - just go to and view on your phone. Our other past blogs & favourites here



Old School

Icicles return to the website

The Penguins

Well done boys and also to the Col de Loz 5 times hikers, top efforts. . . .

The Long Good Friday

Bring Your Sisters live on the terrace at Apres Ski. A quality way to end the day. Congrats to the Penguin crew who did 100 laps of the Troika for Charity Day. . . Pic soon. . .

Charity Day T Shirts

They arrived this morning at the Ski Lodge….on sale right now!

Spring Skiing

La Tania Saisonnaires showing Courchevel the true spirit of Spring Skiing, Kim

easyJet Luton – Geneva now out

More easyJet flights now out for 2010. Lots of £20.99 each ways available. Get in quick

**Snow Update**

Shorts weather
Positively boiling low down. Need to pick your runs right or things softening up too much. Plenty of cover still, even both sides of La Troika are still open. Bring your shorts if you are on your way out for Easter (although some cloudy weather supposed to be on its way).
Lady Jane

**Snow Update**

Sun is out, another warm day, snow soft lower down but still some great piste skiing on offer. Bottom section of La Tania red now closed and the odd lower run but sill masses of great skiing available especially AM.

Paraglide Competition Winner

Sarah enjoys her prize with Craigs Paragliding. For someone who doesnt like flying and doesnt like heights the experience was just amazing, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Pics Here

easyJet Flights for 2010 already out!!!

Certain easyJet routes for next Winter are already on sale, 4 months earlier than last year.

Geneva flights from Manchester, Newcastle and East Midlands are on sale up to 28 Feb 2010 now.
(no reason to panic unnecessarily though – Sat 13 Feb 2009 flights already over £100 single).
BA of course are on sale 364 days in advance, plenty of Gatwick – Geneva available for £70 return.