La Tania does football – The England Tournament Blog

How many years of hurt?

The #EnglandAway Tournament Blog documenting our travels and misery watch the England National Football Team away from the ski season. The Ski Blog is at and there's more football stuff at La Tania does football...



The Inquest Begins – more words and pics from Cape Town…





















Well – we weren’t expecting that were we…. Some pics to follow once I find my camera.

The whole trip started so well, top food and wine, even breakfast on the beach in Muizenberg watching the surfers (black flag day so poor visibility and sharks may be about!).

Great crack with Chris Kamara (Cabanga for the World Cup – see his facebook) and top fillet steak, rabbit, mussles, calamari, prawns etc Great wine too.

Match day saw excitement building up all day on the Waterfront in Cape Town – all the St George flags from all over the country, singing and dancing to live music and all the old England songs – we had an excellent curry with a view of Table Mountain (this is becoming a food trip not a footie trip). Beers around £1.40 a pint.

Then the walk up to the game – large queues prior to the perimeter entry an hour before kick off but fairly good humoured and through in 20 mins. Then to the Buweiser Official Beer Tents – small bottles at £3 each….. but you could take them to your seat unlike Germany and Japan.

Then the match let us all down (being a Newcastle fan I’m used to trip being spoilt ‘cos of the football). So frustrating – it looked to us like Rooney and Lampard were simply unfit. Even Carragher looked knackered / exhausted. No ideas, no creativity.

I was with the main hardcore England Fans and only a few booed at the end around me but the rest of the ground were laying in to the team (and lets face it we’ve spent a lot of effort and money getting here and they’re getting paid a fortune for not performing).

All a bit low key afterwards – we got the train back out to Muizenburg at around 2am – plenty of security and all seem to be ok.

Now the morning after, wine tasting and a trip to the Southern tip of Africa are on the cards – plus a nice long lunch somewhere of course!

Off to Port Elizabeth (23C there today) on Tuesday so a long weekend enjoying Cape Town now – as for the next match -we’re thinking Trust in Fabio. Or just play the “other” team – We must use Joe Cole AND Milner use Defoe AND Crouch. Drop Lampard – be fast and direct and please, please just have a go….

Bring Shearer back!

Aye. Good effort. This is Cape Town now pic…




Nearly there. Come On England!

The Jewel of India

Come On England…

Pre-Match curry on the Waterfront