La Tania does football – The England Tournament Blog

How many years of hurt?

The #EnglandAway Tournament Blog documenting our travels and misery watch the England National Football Team away from the ski season. The Ski Blog is at and there's more football stuff at La Tania does football...



Day 5 Update Weather has broken at last. Cloudy and Rainy but Golf still on


















Table Mountain yesterday – very impressive, mist over the see but not a cloud in the sky. Also headed up Signal Hill for a great view of the Stadium at Green Point.

Great stir fry at Camps Bay, bought the Vuvezelas for the kids at home in a local market, lots of odd stuff. The 2 Daves had another great Golf day, blagged it in as members once again but lost in a four ball match play v the South African team of Peter & Paul. The decider is on Monday.

Ended up with a BBQ or Briaa (spelling probably wrong) at the Muniks – loads of meat, a little salad and loads of delicious Red Wine. The Smart Guys took us home once again (they come and drive your car home when you can’t stand up).

T Wall and Derby Barmy arrived at 8am this morning (Monday) so meeting up this afternoon for lunch and Portugal v Korea – though about trying for tickets but will watch on TV in the dry I think. Off to get our local train from Muizenburg shortly. Quiter night tonight probably as of up to Port Elizabeth tomorrow – confidence returning and blind belief starting to build as we ignore all the bust up reports. Be good to see South Africa stuff France tomorrow – but we’ll probably still be driving up to PE. Be a great shame to leave Cape Town, top place..

Toff, Roy, Dave & Dave.

Another round. Golf this time though.




The compulsory pic of the ground from the top of Table Mountain



Another belter of a day in Cape Town. Still in shorts at 1,000m. Snow on the mountains in the distance but no lifts open!

World Cup 2010 Day 4 Update words & pics. Over it, Looking forward















Recovered from the awful display, listening to UK radio over the internet and hear all the moaning… so we headed out on another beautiful day in Cape Town down the Cape to Cape Horn and Cape of Good Hope. Trying to forget and looking forward.

We were told to bring Ski Jackets, Waterproofs, hats, gloves etc – yet we are walking around in T shirts and shorts!

The Cape Horn National Park was a great drive down and to stand on the tip of Africa (not actually the furthest South but furthest South West point in Africa) was quite special. Loads of football fans from every nation made the hike up to the old lighthouse built in 1860 and down the path to the tip of the Cape. Zebras and Baboons knocking about too – great day out.

Ended up in a smart restaurant called Jakes in the evening and caught the Cameroon v Denmark match. Top food again – Cape Salmon, Half a Duck and our old mate Roy had Liver. Liquor Coffees followed the 6 bottles of excellent Sauvignon Blanc….

Golf and Table Mountain on the cards today – trying not to get too nervous about Wednesday yet…….

Blog and pics linked from

Cheers, Toff, Dave x2 and Old Roy.

Cape Horn Pic. We didnt jump off the end of Africa, though felt like it