La Tania does football – The England Tournament Blog

How many years of hurt?

The #EnglandAway Tournament Blog documenting our travels and misery watch the England National Football Team away from the ski season. The Ski Blog is at and there's more football stuff at La Tania does football...



The English are ready, bring on the Germans. Tanks at our farmhouse!



More weird stuff at our farmhouse just outside Bloemfontein. Masses of World War II memoribilia, weapons, uniforms, guns, vehicles, radar systems, ammunition, trenches and mock battlefields etc.

Vuvuzelas v Lorry Horns on the PE to Bloem road traffic jams



Randomly we’ve arrived in to an amazing old 1849 farmhouse near Bloemfontein. All original kit, guns, paintings, 4 poster beds, open fires etc. Belongs to ex-presidents 5th generation family of the original Orange Free State, basically we’re like staying with royalty. Oh, and he’s got some guns and tanks for us to play on as well – got to start persuading the owner to let us drive them to the Germany match!!! That should get us in the paper. Off for pre-match curry tonight at the local Taj. Expecting -3C tonight and a white frost everywhere tomorrow morning. Landed on our feet we think…. Toffa, Dave, Dave and Roy.

More Safari Pics – something to sort out on the road to Bloemfontein…















More road trip today, so some more pics from Safari day posted. TIckets for Germany now sorted and we may even have somewhere to stay – that could be amazing – 1849 Farmhouse owned by the family of the President of the original Orange Free State. And they’ve got guns, lots of guns… We’ll see.

Three Lions – We got the safari picture!

England v Slovenia in Port Elizabeth Pics and Words

Hard work in the end but a much more positive performance by England – but then again it was against Slovenia. Total support from the England Fans, thousands and thousands turned the Nelson Mandela Bay Area in to a sea of red and white overlooking the Indian Ocean bathed in warm sunshine once again. We’re through now – lets move on and bring on Germany. – And then the Argies back in Cape Town? Still could be a great World Cup – The blind optimism and unbridled passion has returned once again.

Txt message doing the rounds here of “Typical – French Surrender, Americans arrive at the last minute and England have to fight the Germans on their own once again!”

Drinking in the Boardwalk / Casino area before and after the game – lots of shuttle buses to and from the ground, seemed pretty well run to us. I had great seat just behind dugout – good to see Beckham screaming at the 4th official alongside Fab and Psycho.

Got tickets for the R16 game in Bloemfontein for the other lads at 2am this morning on the internet using the robot scanning software – nowhere to stay yet though but tickets the most important thing first.

Heading out on Safari to Addo Elephant Park today… the fun never stops here…