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Keeping your data and devices safe when you’re out and about

There’s no denying that as a society, we have become increasingly reliant on technology in our daily lives, and this reliance is also noticeable when travelling. We now have smartphones, tablets, and wearables as essential travel companions, and use myriad apps and tech services to make our way through the world.
If you find yourself lost in the labyrinthine streets of an unfamiliar city, you can use your smartphone’s GPS to find your way and get to your destination. If the language barrier is giving you a headache, apps like Google Translate can come to the rescue. As for immortalising memories, new generation smartphones have incredibly performant cameras so you can document every second of your travel adventure.
Seen from this perspective, technology has certainly made travel easier, more convenient and enjoyable, and we can only be grateful for the benefits it provides. However, recognizing the advantages doesn’t mean ignoring the drawbacks.

Tech travel dangers
When you step away from the safety of your home network and use your smart devices on the go, you inevitably become exposed to a series of new risks and challenges, some of which you may not even be aware of. Besides, the thrill and excitement of discovering new places can make you more carless and therefore a more vulnerable target for thieves and cybercriminals alike.
It’s fairly common for gadgets like phones and tablets to get lost or stolen in the hustle and bustle of going from one place to another, exchanging planes and other means of transport, passing through crowds, and so on.
But what’s even more concerning is that your personal data can fall into the wrong hands. Apart from completely ruining your travel experience, having your data leaked or stolen can lead to an endless number of problems, as you can learn at With data breaches on the rise all across the world, this is a serious matter to keep in mind while travelling.
So, if you want to enjoy peace of mind and make the most of your outings, while also benefiting from all the perks technology provides, you need to take some precautions and ensure your sensitive information and gadgets are safe at all times.

Solutions to consider
Although all countries have rules and regulations in place to ensure both the digital and physical wellbeing of residents and visitors, you can’t rely entirely on different entities and organisations to keep you and your gadgets safe. It’s also your responsibility to protect yourself against unpleasant surprises, so here’s what you can do.

Set up strong passwords
Not using a password to lock your smart devices is like handing out an open invitation to prying individuals and criminals to take advantage of this security gap. Since most people have their whole lives on their phones, if a malicious entity were to gain access to all the information they hold, it could lead to irreparable damages. That’s why setting up strong passwords on all the devices you take with you during your travels should be your first concern.
Similarly, you need to protect all your accounts with strong passwords, made of a sequence of letters, symbols, and numbers, and ideally create unique passwords for each account to limit damages in case one of them gets compromised.

Use two-factor authentication
While passwords provide a good first line of defence, it’s important to keep in mind that hackers these days have become increasingly shrewd and refine their skills constantly, so you also have to up your cybersecurity game. Two-factor or multifactor authentication on your devices is a good solution in this respect as it adds an extra layer of security, so if hackers break your passwords, they still won’t be able to reach their goal.

Backup your data
All sorts of unexpected things can occur when you’re out and about, and your devices can get lost or damaged. In case this happens, you want to make sure you can still gain access to the data you had stored on them. That’s where data backups come into play. By backing up your data regularly, you make sure that all your important files and information are stored safely and you won’t lose them in case your devices stop functioning or go missing.

Use a strong antivirus
Some countries are more dangerous than others in terms of cybersecurity risks, so installing a strong antivirus can keep you protected wherever you go. This will keep threats such as malware, suspicious links from unknown senders, and other similar issues at bay. The options are plenty when it comes to anti-virus products, so make sure you do a bit of research before choosing a solution that works for you.

Keep devices updated
Running regular updates on your devices, apps and software, including your antivirus systems, is also an important aspect to keep in mind. Updates are necessary to address weaknesses and security gaps that could make your digital devices more susceptible to cyberattacks, so even though you might think of them as redundant, they’re an important step in practising good cyber hygiene.

Steer clear of public Wi-Fi
Tourists often take advantage of free Wi-Fi in cafes, shops, and other public areas as they provide easy connectivity and flexibility when they’re on the road, and you could be tempted to do the same thing. However, public Wi-Fi networks lack proper security precautions, giving hackers the opportunity to spy on your online activity.

Don’t leave devices unattended
While this might sound obvious, we need to stress out how crucial it is to always keep your eyes on your gadgets and hold them close wherever you go. It’s also important not to flaunt them for everyone to see and take note of your surroundings, especially in crowded places where the risk of theft is higher.
While cybersecurity risks are prevalent these days and technology can make us vulnerable during our travels, there are also a lot of things you can do to keep these hazards to a minimum and enjoy safe travels.

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