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10 Things to Do When It’s Wet and Cold Outside

Brrr! The rainy days are upon us. Now is that time of year when clouds crowd the sky, rain pours down, and it gets darker and darker, earlier and earlier. It can be a tough adjustment from the long, light evenings of summertime, but you can still make the most of this cosy time even if you don’t go on a winter vacation

Now is a great opportunity to exercise your cooking skills, find a new hobby, catch up on reading, or just relax with your loved ones, a great movie, and a glass of wine. Don’t let the winter get you down. Make a point to enjoy new activities on wet and cold days—you might just find a new favourite thing to do. And who knows, you might have such a grand time that you’ll find yourself looking forward to next winter by the time spring starts blossoming. 

Spa Day

Whether a traditional Korean soaking spa or a Western massage parlour, treat yourself to a day’s worth of pampering and relaxation. Even a trip to the nail salon will leave you looking lovely and feeling decompressed. 

You can warm up in heated pools and rooms at certain spas, so if it’s especially cold out, choose a location that offers hot tubs and crystal-charged rooms to clear your energy and toast you up from the inside out. Some places even allow you to bring masks, gels, and creams so that you can enjoy your very own bespoke beauty routine, all in the comfort of a well-serviced spa area. Enjoy!

Work Out

Exercise out all that excess energy! If you’re feeling trapped inside and going stir-crazy, a trip to the gym can be a godsend for relieving restlessness. And, not to mention, it’s good for you! Lift weights, enhance your cardio on the treadmill, or swim laps for a low-impact workout that will leave you feeling like one million bucks. 

Making a gym visit your natural response to wet and rainy days can be highly beneficial for your fitness routine and overall well-being. You’ll be feeling and looking stronger by the time shorts season rolls around again. 

Catch a Movie

Is anything good out? Probably! The holidays are when many studios release their most anticipated titles of the year. Catch a good movie to kill a few hours and enjoy a bit of escapism. Look up art houses or smaller local venues if you’re looking for a unique film outside the big Hollywood name options. 

Of course, you can also just find something on one of the million-and-one streaming services you pay for. Whether you want to venture out into the wild world or cosy up on the couch, enjoying a movie is a classic cold-day activity.

Start a Craft

Want to learn how to sew, get into woodworking, or renovate a rundown area of your home? There are so many crafting tutorials on the internet that you’re sure to find a creative task you’ll enjoy. 

Whether it’s jewellery making or something more ambitious like re-tiling your bathroom, watch a bunch of YouTube videos on the topic, make a detailed list, and stock up on the supplies you need. You’ll feel productive and accomplished when you finish your first rainy-day activity!

Play at a Casino

Try your chance at winning big when you punt online or take a trip to a brick-and-mortar gaming establishment. Discover new casinos before you venture out to make sure they offer the games you crave. 

Most places offer slots, table games, and roulette, while others also offer sports betting and more. Whatever game you crave, a rainy day is the perfect time to play it. And who knows—you might just win big. Maybe wet days are your lucky charm.

Take a Walk

The stoic Swedes love to say, “Det finns inget dåligt väder, bara dåliga kläder.” That means there’s no bad weather, just bad clothes. Bundle up and enjoy the outdoors with a little walk around your neighbourhood. The rain makes everything look different and vibrant, so pack a camera and a hot thermos full of tea and see your world through new eyes.

A little rain never hurt anyone, so pull on your waterproof jacket, don a hat, and remember good footwear. You’ll be happy you got out and about, even if it’s just for a little bit. Afterwards, you can warm up inside with a big bowl of soup and a soft blanket.

Go to the Museum

Enrich your mind with a visit to your local art, history, or science museum. You may discover a new love or fascination for a topic you’ve never encountered before. Taking the kids to a children’s museum can also be a great family activity that’s adventurous and educational all at the same time! Best of all, you might just learn something new.

Pro tip: pack a picnic lunch that you can enjoy in the car or under a covered area beforehand to keep the outing relatively affordable. 

Take on a Cooking Project

Make that six-hour roast, or embark on a slow-cooked journey to delicious Bolognese. Cookies, cake, pie, and other involved baking projects are also a fun way to expand your culinary horizons! 

Whether you try something new or rely on an old classic that has you puttering around the kitchen for hours, cooking is a great and nutritious way to fill up your rainy-day hours and tummies. 

Read a Book

Catch up on the latest novel or tap into some educational material you’ve been meaning to get around to. Reading on the couch is great for your brain and feels even more relaxing when accompanied by the soft pitter-patter of the rain on your windowsill. 

In today’s day and age of social media, cell phones, and technology, many of us rarely read for fun anymore. Change that and get through that huge stack of magazines you’ve yet to read. You’ll be smarter for it!

Complete a Puzzle

Break out the jigsaw puzzle and challenge your spatial thinking! Start with the flat edge pieces if you’re intimidated at first. You’ll get into a flow and begin to recognize the shapes and patterns with more ease as you go. 

When you’re all done, you can admire your handiwork—and you’ll have an excuse to buy another puzzle. Happy solving!

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