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The new mandatory form to be completed by all property owners in France

UPDATE: Due to a large number of late filings and enquiries the deadline has been changed to 31 July 2023. There are also unconfirmed reports that there will be no prosecutions this year for not completing the form. See Press Release here

From The Directorate General of Public Finances

The housing tax on main residences is abolished, from 2023, for all households. Housing taxes on second homes and vacant premises are however maintained. To enable the tax authorities to clearly identify the dwellings affected by these remaining taxes, a new reporting obligation, included in article 1418 of the general tax code, has been put in place.

As an owner, you are affected by this new reporting obligation. Thus, for each of your premises (including car parks, cellars, etc.), you must tell us in what capacity you occupy them and, when you do not occupy them yourself, the identity of the occupants and the period of their occupation (situation as of 1 January 2023).

In order to facilitate your declaration, the occupation data known to the tax services are pre-filled. It is important, even in the case of pre-filling, to make sure that the information concerning you is correct. If not, you need to correct them. After this first declaration, only a change of situation will require a new declaration on your part.

You have until June 30, 2023 to declare the occupancy situation of your property, in the “Property properties” tab of your secure space on the website.

For more information, we invite you to consult the “Manage my real estate” space on the website. If you need assistance making your declaration or have a problem accessing our online services, you can call 0 809 401 401 (free service + cost of a call), Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. , or go directly to the tax office or to the France services area closest to you to access a self-service computer and benefit from personalized support if necessary.

If you have already made your declaration of occupation on your secure space on, please disregard this message.

We thank you for your attention.
The Directorate General of Public Finances

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