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2023 Piste Maps Analysed and Latest News on The Energy Crisis & Ski Lifts

3 Valleys Piste Map 2023

With the massive investment over the last few years (especially in relation to the 2023 Alpine World Cup) it’s no surprise that this year sees the least “new” badges on the piste maps for quite a few years.

The Ibex Piste returns to the piste map – previously there in the 90s

The new Ibex black piste is really the only new addition to the 3 Valleys piste maps (we noted that the 3 Valleys 2023 map still has the Pointe de la Masse marked on it even though this brilliant new gondola that goes directly from the base to La Masse summit in no time at all was opened last season).

Full details of the new Ibex Piste here

Pointe de la Masse gondola marked as “new”

The Méribel piste map has the kids area above the Altiport marked as new…

The Piste des Inuits area has had a revamp with both the village and the ski area upgraded with new additions and activities in this kids fun area. La Piste Animaux above is also a great place for kids (and Adults to be fair) where you can identify animal tracks and spot models of them in the forest next to the piste.

Meanwhile on the Courchevel piste map, the new den on Col de la Loze is highlighted…

A new chalet Le Nid de la Loze has been built at the top of Col de la Loze. In the words of the 3V PR machine “Welcome to a delightful haven, inviting you to switch off. Take your pick of two views: the ski area with its fresh, powder snow, or the Vanoise glaciers. It’s the perfect place to enjoy a unique experience with family or friends, or for a romantic getaway”. So we imagine you can book this and stay up there? More when we hear…

Finally, in Courchevel 1650 Moriond a new official ski touring route named Géné’Piste is now marked…

The new Géné’Piste Ski Touring Route in 1650 Moriond

The new 2.8km Ski Touring route takes in a vertical climb of 528 metres, starting off by Les Granges drag lift up to the top of Le Signal chairlift. Ski Touring beginners can learn on the Courchevel-Moriond sector in total safety and take part in the many sociable (and tasty!) events organised by the Snowleader team and try to beat the times set by the Rebloch’team ambassadors.

All maps available on the La Tania Piste Map Page

Ski Lifts & The Energy Crisis

The latest news direct from the Operations Director at S3V which manage the La Tania, Courchevel and Mottaret sectors is that the company’s “Plan de Sobriété Energétique” required by the French Government will put forwards plans that minimise any effect in terms of the service provided and the customer experience of the ski area.

They also inform us that faced with massive increase in costs in many areas, including electricity, fuels and raw materials they have reviewed their pricing structure. Originally, the 3 year electricity contracts that some ski areas had signed up for had gone up by a factor of 10 leading to concerns of the ability of ski areas to fully operate. A government backed price cap of 15% from January 2023 is now in place to mitigate this.

The current plan from S3V is to selectively increase lift pass prices by approximately 9% on average for the 2022/2023 season compared to last Winter – this is still subject to approval by the relevant authorities, Mairie etc.

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