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Around 10cm of fresh snow at Bouc Blanc overnight

Looking like up to 10cm of snow overnight at Bouc Blanc restaurant terrace level. Could be heavy though until a bit higher up where snow is likely to be lighter and deeper.

Rain lower down overnight making things look very soggy although the main Folyeres run down to resort still has good cover. Snow / Rain level today set to fluctuate but generally forecast to be around 1600m and then rising tomight.

Currently snowing heavily at 07:30 Monday Morning down to resort level.

On a more positive note things are set to get much colder by Wednesday (rain could turn to snow down to resort level larer on Tuesday) so snow cannons will be able to operate lower down and there’s a good chance of snow around the Easter weekend as a low pressure system looks likely to dominate.

This should lead to some classic Spring snow conditions and pistes hard first thing then softening up through the day. Timing and aspect key to the best runs.

Expect off piste avalanche risk to rise with this new snow – several incidents recently so be aware,


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